How do you become a Muslim is a question asked to many newly converts to Islam and become Muslims. Many of revert to Islam write their inspiring story of their journey to Islam to incline others towards Islam. MORE »
How to Become a Better Muslim? Muslim is said to be a person who follows the religion of Islam. Literally Muslim means "who submits" to Allah. Consequently a better Muslim is a person who bitterly follows Islam. In another words, a better Muslim is the practicing Muslim who practices Islam without showing any reluctance. MORE »
The question rise in many of ignorant people that how Sunnah was preserved three hundred years after the Prophet when Muslim Muhaddith start collecting Ahadith. Many goes in doubt that how can it possible to collect the sayings of a person who was 300 years back from their age. So we try to clarify this issue in this article so that the doubt due to ignorance with Islam could be destroyed. MORE »
Many of ignorant Muslims do not know hadith on music in Islamic books of Ahaadith in which Prophet Muhammad SAWW allowed Muslims to sing a song in certain conditions, situation under certain restricted set of rules. Here we've collected many of the authentic Ahadiths on the topic of music and songs in Islam. MORE »
Before me get know the way of becoming a Muslim, we must be clear what Islam is and who are the people called Muslims, because the question comprehend the method of converting to Islam and the definition of a Muslim as well. MORE »
Muslim is a person who follows Islam. If he does not follow Islam remaining as Muslim, he is not considered to be a good Muslim in the society. A good Muslim observes all the duties and rights which Islam has obliged on him irrespective of likes and dislikes. MORE »
In Canada, it has been seen on daily basis people becoming Muslim and revert to Islam. Hundreds of reverts do not mention their conversion to Islam, however, few of them get famous by telling the story how their journey was towards Islamic way of life from absolutely different religion or belief. MORE »
Becoming a good Muslim woman/girl is a wish of every Muslimah who want to practice Islam in her life. Muslim is itself mean "the one submit to (Allah)" and a good Muslimah is woman who submits to Allah SWT and follows the Prophet Muhammad SAWW. MORE »
Reverts to Islam often used for those who converted to Islam and become a Muslim from any other religion like Christianity or Judaism etc. Muslims use this term "reverts to Islam" giving reason that when one accepts Islam, it is not his/her first time, it is infect he/she is reverting to its origin and truth on which one took birth. MORE »
Become a Muslim means convert to Islam, or accept Islam as religion. Whether you're by birth a Muslim or not, you have to become a Muslim, a good practicing Muslim, because a Muslim is define as the one who submits his/her will to Allah SWT. So the way to submitting the will is Islam. Thus, following Islam is submission to Allah SWT and the followers who follow Islam is called a Muslim. MORE »
When you question what proper Hijab in Islam is, two issues raised. In so many different hijabs which is right? And what is proper way to wear Khumar and Jilbab. So lest start with the proper definition of Hijab in Islam. MORE »
We've collected all the Ahadith (Most of the hadiths) on the topic of Hijab in Islam. From the following Hadiths you can observe the importance of Hijab in Islam, how our Prophet SAWW emphasis on the wearing of Hijab for women in following narrations. May Allah SWT guide our mothers, sisters, wives and all the Muslim women to realize the importance of Hijab. MORE »