Women Convert to Islam belongs to United States

Islam Beliefs by Editorial Staff (August 25, 10:27 PM)

A woman converts to Islam in United States of America like all other women from west converting to Islam four time faster than of men in west to the fastest growing religion in the world. We’ve got the interview of an American woman who accepts Islamic teaching after being Christian and embraced Islam as a religion for till death and hereafter.

All the words regarding how she convert to Islam are her own. Please read the story below and get the inspirations.

"When I met the man who would become my husband and learned that he was Muslim, I was scared and asked all the questions that caused my fear. I also took a course in college called "Islam and Social Change" and learned even more about Islam. As I learned more and more in the course, the more questions I had and the more afraid I became. This fear, however, was different than the fear of the unknown; this fear was a fear of self­ discovery. I found that all along I shared 'the beliefs taught through Islam but never had a name for it. This course, the Quran; and my husband helped me realize that for a number of years I had been living a Muslim life without knowing it.

(It wasn't until I learned the Five Pillars of Islam that I began completely practicing as a Muslim.)

So when people ask how long I have been a Muslim I can't tell them, but I can think that it has been eleven years. If they ask me when I converted, I can tell them in I992. As a matter of fact, my husband knew before I did that I was Muslim but let me come to that realization on my own.”

And so began the faith journey for these women that would affect those around them-the families in which they were raised, their friends, their colleagues at work or school. Most of all, it would change the direction and flow of their own lives, not just in a religious sense but in every facet of their existence.”

Please add you words regarding what inspired you in this story of an American who embraced Islam.

Last Updated: 21/7/2015

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