How to Become a Muslim - Method to Convert to Islam
Over one and a half billion Muslims with highest growing rate, people converting to Islam and becoming Muslims made Islam as fastest growing religion of the word according to some measures. Yet many of them who want to convert to Islam do want to know how to become a Muslim made it a topic one of most demanded to be learnt.
Becoming a Muslims is not mare declaring something from tongue or doing some traditions, but it also demands a person to change his/her life in accordance with Islam in an every aspect of life to be applied. Where Islam obligates the method of becoming a Muslim, it also applies condition, do and don’ts, and all the prerequisites to be taken in account obligated by Islam.
However, accepting Islam destroys all sins which come before conversion , as a new convert your record is clean, and it is as if you was just born from your mother’s womb, like a sinless child. So after converting to Islam, you must have to become a good Muslim by keeping your record clean for the sake to have a reward hereafter. Thus you’ve to strive to do as many good deeds as possible. So learn how to convert to Islam.
Something to Know Before You Become a Muslim
Two things must be acknowledge before you take a decision to become a Muslim.
Converting to Islam is not mare reciting some words (of Shahada), but it require to change the whole life, deed and purpose of life according to the teachings of Islam i.e. Quran and Sunnah.
Once you become a Muslim, you do not have a choice to revert or convert to your previous religion or belief. Otherwise you’ll be sentenced to death according to the most of the Islamic scholars and jurists.
Method - How to Become a Muslim
In order to become a Muslim, it is not compulsory in a first instance to declare the decision publically; it would also be accepted to believe in Allah’s oneness and a Prophet Muhammad SAWW as His final Prophet and Messenger along with some decisive believes. However, Islam does not like to hide the Imaan (Belief) for long time as Islam also demand to invite others to embrace Islam. Thus to become a Muslim following method should be applied.
Say the Shahada (Witnesses) as following
"La ilaha illallah, Muhammadun rasulullah "
"I testify that there is no other god but Allah, and Muhammad is God's messenger (prophet)."
2. Witnesses present at your recitation should be in public place to become a legal member of the Muslim community.
- 3. Finally, take a shower or wash yourself, offer wudu in order to purify yourself to undertake Islamic rituals.