Is Red Wine Vinegar Halal: Read Complete Opinion Of Islam About Red Wine Vinegar

Halal by Editorial Staff (October 04, 02:06 AM)

                                       Red wine vinegar

Red wine vinegar halal complete information about red wine vinegar halal or haraam status in Islam to know ruling of Islam about spirit and Alcoholic vinegar. Before buying vinegar from market you should consider that if that vinegar is processed from halal method or by haraam method for preparing vinegar, same is the case with red wine vinegar. Muslim kitchen and Muslim food only contain halal food products which are lawful In Islam, that’s why you are also searching for it that is red wine vinegar is halal or not? This also shows that you are interested in finding the ruling of Islam on red wine vinegar as halal or haram.

The opinion about red wine vinegar in Islam varies and the shafi’is, Maalikis and Hanbalis say that it is not lawful to deliberately change wine in to vinegar either red or either white or any other coz the red vinegar is not in pure form after extraction from wine.

The daleel from Quran o Sunnah behind this opinion is the hadith explained here. Anas ibn Maalik (may Allah be pleased with him) said “The Prophet of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was questioned that can wine be changed to be used as vinegar? He said ‘NO’ (Reported by Muslim)

Second evidence from Islam about the ruling of red wine vinegar halal or not is here read it deeply and attentively so that you can understand it properly. It is reported by Abu Tallah (May Allah be Pleased with him) that it has been asked from prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about the orphans who had inherited some of wine, he said ‘Pour it away’ then he is questioned whether they could not make it into vinegar? He said NO. (Reported by Muslim)

Now after reading such a handful information I am sure that you will be able to understand that if red wine vinegar is halal or not? The crunch of the whole talk written above is that it is permissible for Muslims to purchase vinegar from any one selling it, unless he realizes it or comes to know that the vinegar is produced from wine deliberately which is an unlawful process in Islam in the light of above ruling written about red wine vinegar manufactured by many companies.

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