Qiyamullail and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAWW

Islam Beliefs by Editorial Staff (August 04, 08:27 AM)

As Quran advice to praying at night, Sunnah of the Prophet SAWW also emphasizes Qiyamul lail and its importance in Islam and in the life of Rasool Allah SAWW.

Sunnah (The Way) of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAWW not only explains the meaning and the importance of Qiyamul lail, but also guides the way to perform prayers at night or mid of the night, i.e. much after Isha and before fajr.

However, here our topic is not to describe the method of praying at night to have the blessings of Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala. Here we collected some of the Prophet’s Ahadith Mubarikah SAWW to explain that here are various Ahaadeeth (Hadeeths) which encourage and teach about Qiyamullail as Quran does also.


Qiyamul lail in Sunnah

As in a Hadeeth Prophet Muhammad SAWW reported by Imam Ahmad R.A and Imam Al-Turmuzhi R.A in which Rasool Allah SAWW said,

“Do not you ever disregard Qiyamillail! It was the custom of the righteous people before you. It brings one closer to Allah, atones for one’s sins, keeps the body from illnesses, and prevents one from performing sinful acts.”

In another Hadith reported by Imam Al-Turmuzhi R.A, also narrated by Abdullah Ibn Salam R.A, Rasulullah SAWW said,

“O people! Promote the greetings. Feed (the poor and needy). And perform Solat when others are asleep. With that you will enter the Jannah safely.”

In another Hadith, Nabi-e-Karim SWT explaining how praying at night lead a Muslim not only in Jannah (Paradise), but there s(he) will also get beautiful homes with many extra rewards, as Al-Tabarani and Al-Hakim reported that Prophet SAWW said,

“In the heaven, there’s a house which its inside is seen from outside and its outside is seen from inside”. Someone asked, “For whom is that, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “For the one who speaks good, feeds (others) food, and spends the night in Qiyamullail while others are asleep.”

In all the aforementioned ahadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad SAWW addressing the issue of the importance of qiyam ul layl, you can note that alone with emphasizing the importance of Qiyamullail, Beloved Prophet do not forget to mention the importance of human serving, human life, human dignity and importance of having a good behavior and care with others.

Last Updated: 21/7/2015

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