Is White Wine Vinegar Halal: Ruling Of Islam On White Wine Vinegar Halal or Haraam

Halal by Editorial Staff (October 04, 02:05 AM)

                                                 White Wine Vinegar

Is white wine vinegar halal read complete and detailed ruling of Islam for vinegar made from wine like white wine vinegar halal or Haraam status for Muslims made by oxidizing of alcohol including spirit vinegar and others. Read complete and detailed ruling of Islam on white wine vinegar halal or Haraam for Muslims, as everyone knows that vinegar is very commonly used product in kitchen. And Muslims only uses halal products in their kitchen so you should be aware before using any product in your kitchen that if it is halal or not just like vinegar. There are hadiths on vinegar one of which is I am going to list here about vinegar,

It is reported by Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) that the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said ‘what a good food is vinegar’ (reported by Muslim, 3/1623)
There exists a difference of opinion on this matter about is white wine vinegar is halal to eat or not but you should choose the opinion with best and strong evidence from Quran and Sunna. The shafi’is, hanbalis and some maalikis believe the vinegar produced by wine is unlawful because you deliberately change wine into vinegar and this is not pure for Muslim and should not be considered as halal by Muslims to be used in their halal kitchen products.
The evidence of this ruling of Islam on white wine vinegar is the hadith of prophet which is written below
Anas ibn maalik said (may Allah be pleased with him) ‘The prophet of Allah (peace & blessing of Allah be upon him) was asked a question that whether wine could be changed to be used as vinegar? Prophet Said “No”’ (Reported by Muslim).
Again read the second hadith about vinegar from wine this will also show you up the right decision about wine vinegar halal or not.
It is reported by Abu Talhah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was questioned about some orphans who had inherited some of wine, prophet answered ‘pour it away’ someone again asked ‘could they not make it into vinegar?’ he said “NO” (Reported by Muslim)
So keep attentive while purchasing white wine vinegar and make sure that it manufactured from halal process or not, make decision in the light of the information given up which is detailed and drops some light of Quran o Sunna guidelines for Muslims.

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